Stop Wage Garnishment Before It Impacts Your Income

Bowes & Associates works with tax authorities to resolve garnishment cases quickly, protecting your paycheck from being taken away.

Garnished Workers Lose 11% of Their Earnings for 5 Long Months!

That is just half the consequences you may face. Here’s more

Student Loans

If you owe federal student loans, the government can take up to 15% of your income after taxes and other mandatory deductions. This amount will be taken directly from your paycheck.

Child or Spousal Support

If you support another child or spouse, up to 50% of your income can be garnished. If you don’t, this increases to 60%. If you’re over 12 weeks late on payments, an extra 5% can be taken.

Credit Card Debt Garnishment

With a court order, a credit card company can garnish up to 25% of your take-home pay, making it harder to cover your essential expenses like rent and groceries.

Growing Debt Due to Interest and Penalties

Wage garnishment won’t stop your debt from growing. You’ll face a 0.5% penalty each month on unpaid taxes, up to 25% of the total. Interest also adds up daily, based on the federal short-term rate plus 3%.

Bowes & Associates Help You Verify Your Wage Garnishment Balance

How? Here You Go

By Calling the IRS

Bowes & Associates will help you by contacting the IRS on your behalf to check your wage garnishment balance. This allows you to see exactly how much has been deducted from your pay and how much you still owe.

By Reviewing Pay Stubs

They will go through your pay stubs to confirm that the IRS wage garnishment amounts are correct. This makes sure your deductions match what you owe.

By Checking Your IRS Account Online

If you have an IRS online account, Bowes & Associates will guide you through checking your wage garnishment details, including payments and balances. They’ll also help you set up an account if needed.

By Requesting a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing

If the IRS sends you a Notice of Intent to Levy, Bowes & Associates can help request a CDP hearing within 30 days. This stops wage garnishments while you present your case and negotiate a solution with the IRS.

By Exploring Bankruptcy as a Last Resort

In some cases, Bowes & Associates may explore bankruptcy as a final option to stop wage garnishment. While it can halt garnishment immediately, bankruptcy comes with long-term financial consequences and is only used when no other options are available.

You Work Hard and Deserve Every Cent You Make

If wage garnishment is taking away your hard-earned money, Bowes & Associates is here to fight for your rights. Your struggles matter and you deserve a solution that safeguards your hard-earned money and restores your peace of mind.

We are Backed by Experience and Results

We Negotiate Directly With Creditors

With 55 years of experience, Bowes & Associates knows how to negotiate with creditors to reduce or even stop wage garnishment. Get your debt settled or set up more manageable payment terms to avoid further financial stress with us.

We File a Claim of Exemption for You

If you qualify for an exemption, like being the head of household, Bowes & Associates can guide you through the process to lower or stop garnishment.

We Can Challenge Incorrect Garnishments

Bowes & Associates challenges garnishments that are too high or based on debts that aren’t owed. With a nationwide reach across all 50 states, we ensure garnishments are fair and lawful.

We Explore Debt Consolidation Options

In certain cases, debt consolidation may offer relief by stopping wage garnishment. Bowes & Associates explores options like debt consolidation to help you manage payments more effectively and halt garnishments.

Did You Know?

A Wage Garnishment Stays on Your Credit Report for Up to Seven Years

This public record is visible to banks and landlords, making it hard to get loans or rent a home. Because wage garnishments can negatively impact your credit, managing your debts is important to avoid them.

Not only do they hurt your financial standing, but they also add extra work for your employer.

Book a consultation call or fill out our form to learn how to protect your rights as a worker facing wage garnishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

To check your wage garnishment, Bowes & Associates can help you review your pay stubs for deductions. We can also assist in contacting your payroll or HR department for specific details. If you need more help or think there’s an error, consult our wage garnishment attorney in Georgia for clarity.

For questions about wage garnishment:

  • Contact your employer’s payroll or HR department for details on the garnishment.
  • For legal issues, consult our attorney for wage garnishment to understand your rights and explore options to stop the garnishment.

It varies by state. In some states, wage garnishment is limited to three to seven years after a debt, while others allow it indefinitely with a valid court order.

Typically, a creditor needs a court order to garnish wages. However, the IRS wage garnishment can occur without a court order for back taxes, and certain government agencies can also garnish wages without a court order.

No, unemployment benefits cannot be garnished for debt. However, if you owe back child support or the government for overpayment of benefits, your unemployment may be offset to cover those debts.

Yes, if a credit card company obtains a court judgment against you, they can garnish your wages to satisfy the debt. They must first obtain a court order and follow the legal process for wage garnishment.

The time to resolve a wage garnishment issue varies by case. A lawyer for wage garnishment will assess your situation and develop a plan. This process can take days to weeks, but a tax professional can often help stop the garnishment quickly while seeking a permanent solution.